Germany's Friends of the Earth website includes a brief fact sheet on the Aarhus Convention and provides links to environmental, public participation and Aarhus-related websites. In German and…
Green Salvation is a non-governmental, public organization established in 1990. Among the main areas of its activities are participation in the development of national environmental legislation,…
This review of the Aarhus Convention one year on from its ratification introduces a conference in London (which was held on 1 November 2002) with a number of leading speakers including Lord Justice…
This report on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) workshop on the Aarhus Convention (16 June 2004, Almaty) discusses implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Kazakhstan…
This news report on the Second Meeting of Parties to the Aarhus Convention (Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 2005) highlights the significant decisions reached at the meeting and the presentation delivered by…
In this opening speech of the Conference "The Aarhus Convention and the Citizen NGOs in new Member States", Margot Wallström highlights the particular importance of the Aarhus Convention…
The Project “Network of Independent Experts for Early Implementation and Compliance Monitoring of the Aarhus Convention” funded by the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment…
This brochure in German introduces the Aarhus Convention and shows which major rights - to information, to participation and to file suit - citizens are entitled to in the area of the environment,…
This dossier ddiscusses attempts at European Community level to implement the Convention in its Member States and the steps taken to apply Aarhus to the Community's own institutions.
CENN, with the financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Environmental Information Systems and Networking Project, organized the regional workshop on August…