The Geneva Environment Network (GEN) is a cooperative partnership between over 40 environment and sustainable development organizations and units based in the International Environment House and…
Introducing this report, UNEP Executive Director Klaus Toepfer argued that reversing global environmental declines demands the full and effective participation of all sectors of society. Natural…
The PEIC website provides Aarhus Convention related documents and national environmental laws, country reports and links. With lists of environmental NGOs in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In…
The International Environment House gathers under a common roof a range of United Nations and non-governmental organisations active in the field of environment and sustainable development in Geneva.…
The programme of a conference organized at the Faculty of Law, University of Leuven, 29-30 August 2003, featured presentation on the three pillars of the convention and a special sessions on…
The Environment News Service is the original daily wire service of the environment. ENS contributors around the world cover issues and events that affect the environment such as legislation, politics…
The programme of a conference organized by DG Environment on Access to Information, Public Participation in Environmental Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, held in…
This review of the Aarhus Convention one year on from its ratification introduces a conference in London (which was held on 1 November 2002) with a number of leading speakers including Lord Justice…
This report on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) workshop on the Aarhus Convention (16 June 2004, Almaty) discusses implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Kazakhstan…
This news report on the Second Meeting of Parties to the Aarhus Convention (Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 2005) highlights the significant decisions reached at the meeting and the presentation delivered by…