UNECE Task Force on Access to Information / EIT Case Study
Interactive Information and Web Counter for Public Consultation and Decisions (Including Appeals) on Ongoing Environmental Permits
- 1. Brief description:
Interactive web counter to consult all submitted request for environmental permits. The website provides
- A geographical overview of submitted requests and for and decisions of environmental permits, using geographical location (GIS)
- The possibility for digital public inquiries of the submitted requests during the procedure
- The possibility to submit a digital appeal procedure concerning the decision of an environmental permit
- 2. Type: Governmental
- 3. Scope: Sub-regional, local
- 4. Working language(s): Dutch
- 5. Target users: general public, NGO’s
- 6. Starting year: 2018
- 7. Budget and funding source: 2,2 million euro annually (for the global project of which the public consultation web counter is a small part)
- 8. Contact:
Sven Geens
Project leader ‘Omgevingsloket’
Flemish Authority, Department of Environment and spatial Development
Koning Albert II-laan 20 1000 Brussels Belgium
Phone number: +32 1666 60 47
II. Implementation
- 9. Policy, legal and institutional context: Flanders Decree on environmental permits
- 10. Partner organizations involved: All concerned governmental organizations on regional, provincial and local level
- 11. Stakeholders involved, their expected benefits: Online and efficient public participation and consultation concerning environmental permit procedures
- 12. User needs and methods of their assessment: Internet
- 13. Technology choice: Interactive website with geographical consultation (GIS)
III. Evaluation
- 14. Results: 24/7 consultancy possibility for the public of current projects, direct digital input, partial online content (cf. infra)
- 15. Efficiency gains: Previously only knowledge when passing by the potential project (on site publishing), now everybody has information through the internet with added geographic tools
- 16. Risks: None (the digital procedure is an extension of the prevision analogue publication that remains available)
- 17. Challenges encountered (please indicate resolved or not): Implication of author rights, privacy information and intellectual property limits the possibility of online access. Gradually information gets more structured resulting in a larger amount of online available data.
- 18. Lessons learned: Complexity of data structure implies highly technical tools in order to present the information for the public in a comprehensive format
- 19. Conditions for successful replication: Use of open source technology
- 20. Overall assessment of the tool: Positive