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Displaying 251 - 260 of 1879 resources
The OECD programme on Public Management and Governance (PUMA) studies how governments organise and manage the public sector. In the context of its activity on "Strengthening Government-Citizen…
The report examines how Norway approaches provision of information, consultation and active engagement of citizens in public policy-making and includes a special focus on the use of consensus…
The IHF is a unique community of 42 human rights NGOs in the OSCE region, working together internationally to insist on compliance with human rights standards. Publishers of the annual report "…
IFAI is the Mexican organization in charge of: 1) guaranteeing the public right of access to the governmental public information 2) protecting personal data that are into the hands of the federal…
UNDP Oslo Governance Centre is UNDP's global facility on democratic governance. It assists UNDP country offices in their cooperation with governments and their partners, civil society…
The document made public for the first time by the Turkish NGO BilgilenmeHakki.Org lays out the security procedures for the exchange of classified information between the European Union and the above…
Latinobarómetro es un estudio de opinión pública que aplica anualmente alrededor de 19.000 entrevistas en 18 países de América Latina representando a más de 400 millones de habitantes. El estudio es…
BilgilenmeHakki.Org publishes regular reports on the Turkish Law on the Right to Information and the experience of public access to information in Turkey. With links to the Turkish Law on Right to…
FSLD is an independent, non-partisan and non-political NGO founded to serve as a social partner to the Parliament and the Government in reforming Polish local authorities and building local democracy…
The introduction of freedom of information (FOI) legislation in Ireland was a response to the demand of the electorate for greater openness and formed part of a wider and longer-term programme of…