Ireland's Freedom of Information (FOI) Acts 1997 - 2003, give three legal rights to those seeking access to information held by public bodies covered by the Act: the right of access to official…
These collected research reports include information on Environmental Democracy; Aarhus Convention-related Council Directives; General Environmental Reports; and the National Development Plan for…
Baltic 21 is a regional multi-stakeholder process for sustainable development initiated by the Prime Ministers from the eleven member states of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS). The Baltic…
Global Barometer (GB) surveys ask what people are thinking in new democracies by interviewing nationwide representative samples in Africa, East Asia, the new post-communist Europe, and in Latin…
Formerly the European Institute for Local and Regional Development, the Centre is an interdisciplinary research and educational institution specialising in regional and local studies and policies.…
This issue of the publication Development Dialogue is devoted to the topic of access to information, with a particular emphasis on Southeast Asia. Various contributions reflect the global and the…
The OECD programme on Public Management and Governance (PUMA) studies how governments organise and manage the public sector. In the context of its activity on "Strengthening Government-Citizen…
The report examines how Norway approaches provision of information, consultation and active engagement of citizens in public policy-making and includes a special focus on the use of consensus…
APES is a non-profit organization of diverse mass media journalists. APES guards the freedom of press and access to information, as well as the physical integrity of journalists in the exercise of…
The IHF is a unique community of 42 human rights NGOs in the OSCE region, working together internationally to insist on compliance with human rights standards. Publishers of the annual report "…