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Displaying 1051 - 1060 of 1879 resources
Internet Governance explores new areas of economic activity, political debate and diplomatic negotiations, as well as constituting a new area scientific research and academic education. The goal of…
BuaNews is a South African news service which provides quick and easy access to articles and stories aimed at keeping the public informed about the implementation of government's mandate.…
The Government Communicators' Handbook is designed to assist government communicators to locate themselves in the overall government communication system. It seeks to provide simple guidelines…
In its statement the German Advisory Council on the Environment describes the situation of limited legal standing of NGOs according to German law in 2005. It points at shortcomings in the enforcement…
Le Conseil d'Etat vient de rendre une décision limitant singulièrement le droit des citoyens à participer aux décisions environnementales. Ce rappel à la réalité réduit la Charte de l'…
The OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media (OSCE RFOM) provided comments based on the Draft European Convention on Access to Official Documents which reflects the state of…
Professor Alexander Schmidt and attorney Peter Kremer describe and analyze the requirements of the European Community Regulation 2003/35 and the Aarhus Convention with respect to access to justice…
Official statement of NABU which is of the opinion that Germany's implementation of access to justice in environmental matters does not comply with the respective European Community regulation.…
The official statement of BUND (Friends of the Earth) and UfU questions Germany's implementation of access to justice in environmental matters against requirments of the respective EC regulation…
The website of the environmental NGO NABU, partner of BirdLife International and member of Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR), provides information on the implementation of all three pillars of the…