These Guidelines have been developed with an idea to familiarize public officialswith the requirements of the Aarhus Convention as they apply to issues andproblems arising when handling environmental…
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) web site provides information regarding DOE NEPA-related activities, including public involvement opportunities. The web site contains NEPA-related…
OMB Watch is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization dedicated to promoting government accountability, citizen participation in public policy decisions, and the use of fiscal and regulatory…
A project of OMB Watch, RTK NET provides access to the US Toxics Release Inventory and other federally mandated chemical reporting system reports, searchable by geographic area, facility and industry…
The revised, 2nd edition of guidance known as the "Green Book" contains recommendations for those involved in preparation of environmental assessments and impacts statements required under…
The EBRD has developed a set of sub-sectoral environmental guidelines to assist credit/investment officers in local financial institutions and other non-environmental experts. They are designed to…
This is the fourth release of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of long range transmission of air pollutants in Europe (UNECE/EMEP)…
The site of the IPPC Bureau contains details of the industrial sectors being addressed by this EC regulation, background information, records of early technical working group meetings and draft…
The site of the IPPC Bureau contains details of the industrial sectors being addressed by this EC regulation, background information, records of early technical working group meetings and draft…
The site provides a clearinghouse of guidance manuals/documents of release estimation techniques for the principal pollutant release and transfer registries developed by OECD member countries. The…