The Active Citizenship Centre promotes research that demonstrates the value of civil renewal and inform policymaking in this area. The Centre showcases good practice examples of civil renewal in the…
This publication provides practical guidelines on how to develop a media strategy that will enable researchers and research institutions to have a greater impact on national debate. It shows how the…
The Millennium Challenge Account is a mechanism by which U.S. development assistance is provided to those countries that are judged to rule justly, invest in their people, and encourage economic…
This ESRC Seminar Series aims to consider the possibilities and limits of citizenship as a way of promoting sustainability. The series brings together a range of disciplinary and practitioner…
Subtitled 'Encourage more communication between academics and policymakers', this booklet offers advice on how to identify and influence policymakers in government in the UK and at the European level…
The Centre for Public Scrutiny has been created to promote the value of scrutiny in modern and effective government. To improve the quality of public services, the Centre seeks to create a…
Subtitled 'Important media for social science research broadcasting', this ESRC publication examines how media from current affairs programming to 'chat shows' can be used effectively to disseminate…
The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 is intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability amongst public authorities by providing people with rights of access to the information held by…
This guidance by the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Counselor reviews privacy exemptions of the FOIA, the application of which require a balancing of the individual's right of privacy…
This article by a UK environmental consultancy expert in emissions reporting discussed environmental and sustainability reporting from the perspective of business. It considers the pressures,…