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Displaying 1 - 10 of 145 resources
Eco-Justice project aims to strengthen the environmental rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina by improving access to environmental justice, promoting human rights and supporting people-centered…
Key issue: Denial of legal standing to appeal air quality plans. Key words: Legal standing, access to justice, air quality plans, particulate matter
This policy report considers the implications of the findings by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee in case ACCC/C/2015/128 that EU failed to comply with article 9 (3) and (4) of the…
The event organized by the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank on Reconstruction and Developments and other partners provided an excellent opportunity for judges and representatives from…
Key issue: Appeal against a cantonal decision of prolonging a camping site located in a nature reserve; access to justice – a decision by public authorities that may have an impact on nature…
Key issue: Appeal against a federal decision of excluding organisations from certain authorisation processes; access to justice and access to information – a public authority cannot exclude…
Key issue: A company with a purely commercial interest can lodge an admissible appeal with the Council for Permit Disputes against a permit granted to a competitor Key words: Access to…
Costs -  The court ruled that, while they cannot guarantee the certainty of costs, that the cost cap will not increase post-permission. They also determined that personal financial information…
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, explores the concept of “Rights of Nature…
The event is expected to bring together representatives from EU institutions and Member State authorities, legal professionals, judges and NGO representatives from all over Europe to discuss and…