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Displaying 31 - 40 of 266 resources
This website will assist you in making your annual returns of environmental information as required under your EPA licence and / or under the PRTR Regulations. The site provides full guidance on the…
The European PRTR is the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - the European-wide register of industrial and non-industrial releases into air, water, land and off-site transfers of waste…
On 26 August 2009, the depositary communicated the adoption of the amendment to Annexes A, B and C of the Stockholm Convention. As a result, the amendments shall enter into force on 26 August 2010…
the 8th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM8) held at Beijing in December 2006, one of the topics was cooperation among Japan, China and Korea on chemicals management. Three ministers…
At its 25th session, the Governing Council agreed to elaborate a legally binding instrument on mercury, and asked UNEP to convene an intergovernmental negotiating committee with the mandate to…
The collaborative forum's main mission is to provide access for communities, industry and all interested stakeholders on Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) and other…
The eChemPortal is the global portal to information on chemical substances. It offers free public access to information on properties of chemicals: Physical chemical properties, Environmental Fate…
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive has been in place for over 10 years and the Commission has undertaken a 2 year review with all stakeholders to examine how it, and the…
The proposal for consolidation of the European Community directives addressing industrial emissions (COM (2007) 844 and 2007/0286/COD) was adopted by the Commission in December 2007.
This United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website allows the public to track environmental and public health information. The National Environmental Public Health Tracking…