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Representatives of government entities, as well as of the private sector, met with Aarhus Centre delegates and NGOs in Astana at a seminar jointly organized by the OSCE and other organizations such…
Publisher: OSCE
This article discusses the new coal fired power plant plan in Spain. According to the International Institute for Law and the Environment, the Spanish Government is obligated to undertake a strategic…
Publisher: Renewable Energy Magazine
This article makes a case for an environmental court in Scotland. The article discusses the growing trend in environmental cases and the need for specialized courts that can understand the technical…
Publisher: The Conversation Trust
People, Animals and Nature, a Portuguese NGO, has filed a complaint with the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee against a temporary warehouse project and plant in Spain on the grounds of access…
Publisher: El Diario
This article discusses a current court case in Austria involving an NGO petitioning for the right to participate in an environmental permitting process. The NGO applied to participate in the permit…
Publisher: Eco srl
The International Institute of Law and Environment is pushing the Spanish Government for an aggressive carbon reduction policy. They are also pushing for an open process with input from the public…
Publisher: Renewable Energy Magazine
The Special Rapporteur of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has drafted the Guidelines on Human Rights and the Environment. The draft guidelines are open for comment until 11…
Publisher: Living Asia
This article by Living Asia reflects on the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention in Budva, Montenegro that took place in September 2017. The article discusses a few key take-away's from…
Publisher: Living Asia
The UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, Mr. John H. Knox, made a recommendation to establish an ombudsman in Mongolia to help with environmental information and complaints.…
Publisher: Montsame News Agency
This article discusses the benefits and challenges that Belarus has had in joining the Aarhus Convention. Belarus was the topic of a Compliance Committee finding at the 6th session of the Meeting of…
Publisher: BelaPAN

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