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The Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus Convention started on 11 September and was attended by over 400 participants. The Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism hosted the…
Publisher: Radio Televizija
At the Meeting of the Parties for the Aarhus Convention in Budva, Montenegro, Birdlife takes part as a delegate from Spain. The organization is concerned for the Future of the Aarhus Convention and…
Publisher: ABC
Environmental NGOs are organizing to fight a proposed amendment to Bulgaria’s Administrative Procedure Code and the Environmental Procedure Act. The amendment would increase costs for of…
Lithium is a critical component of modern electronics. A lithium mining company is undertaking the initial exploration phase for a mine in Caceres (Spain), which may contain Europe's largest deposit…
Publisher: El Periodico Extremadura
Korea's public participation in the Shin Kori, a nuclear facility looking to add two more reactors. The government is considering whether to cancel the project after participation from the public…
Publisher: Hankyoreh
The Seventh Meeting of the Negotiating Committee of the Regional Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean is taking place from 31 July and 4 August in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The article…
Publisher: Inter Press Service
A judge from the Court of Appeal of England and Wales reviewed the costs of civil litigation in the UK. In his report, Lord Justice Jackson recommends to adapt the “Aarhus Rules” and extend them to…
Publisher: JD Supra
The Guardian and the NGO “Global Witness” teamed up in the attempt to record all deaths of environmental activists across the globe. To date, 113 activists have been killed in 2017 alone. The website…
The Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee has found that the UK failed to comply with article 6, paragraph 2 of the Convention, by not informing the public concerned in Germany about plans of…
Publisher: The Guardian
Czech Atomic Authorities have allowed the continued operation of nuclear power plant Dukovany II. Environmentalists now urge Austrian authorities to immediately take action and require that the…

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