UN experts on children’s rights, human rights defenders and human rights and the environment lauded the Human Rights Council’s adoption of a resolution calling upon States “to provide a safe and…
Publisher: OHCHR
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that is still heavily dependent on coal and large hydropower at 67% and 31% of total electricity production, respectively. Significant initiatives are emerging to…
Publisher: UNECE
Independent experts of the UN Human Rights Council call on States to fully integrate human rights standards and principles in the rules for implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change (the…
Publisher: OHCHR
The Aarhus Centres and Public Environmental Information Centres from 15 countries met together in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, for a 2018 annual meeting to discuss their support and good practices in…
Publisher: OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, OSCE secretariat
Ms Hilal Elver, Special Rapporteur on the right to food and Mr. Dainius Pūras, Special Rapporteur on the right to physical and mental health, welcomed the decision by a California…
Publisher: OHCHR
Speaking ahead of World Environment Day on 5 June 2018, the head of UN Environment Mr. Erik Solheim and the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment Mr. John Knox issued a…
Publisher: OHCHR/UNEP
Living Asia reports that on 28 December 2017 activists of the Russian NGO Ecological Watch for the North Caucasus (EVSC) were attacked. The coordinator of this organization, Mr. Andrei Rudomakha…
Publisher: Living Asia
The article describes the case of an association in the city of Murcia which was denied access to the Social Council of the city, causing the intervention of the Ombudsman. The case eventually…
Representatives of government entities, as well as of the private sector, met with Aarhus Centre delegates and NGOs in Astana at a seminar jointly organized by the OSCE and other organizations such…
Publisher: OSCE
The article discusses the recent High Court ruling re-imposing fixed costs for disputes in planning and environmental cases and thus overturning rules previously introduced by the Ministry of Justice…
Publisher: Lawyer Monthly