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Displaying 1651 - 1660 of 1856 resources
Standing of environmental non-governmental organizations – Procedural law shall be interpreted in order to give the public concerned broad opportunities to challenge in court decisions on forestry.
“Environment-People-Law” is an organization of practical lawyers in the field of the protection of environmental rights of citizens and the environment. This organization created a register of court…
A joint European Commission and Make it Work workshop will be held on 19-20 November 2015 in Brussels (Maison des Associations Internationales, Rue Washington 40 / Washingtonstraat 40) to discuss…
Daten suchen Ideen, Ideen suchen DatenUnter diesem Motto laden wir Sie herzlich ein, Ihre innovativsten, nützlichsten und benutzerfreundlichsten Beiträge zu den Kategorien Ideen, Datensätze und…
Public access to information in decision-making procedure on specific activities serving national defence purposes.
Criteria for ENGO standing - The criteria in law for ENGO standing must be read generously in order to meet with the international obligations on access to justice in environmental matters.
Criteria for ENGO standing –The criteria in law for ENGO standing must be read generously in order to meet with the international obligations on access to justice in environmental matters.
Great interest and concern has arisen among the NGOs, mass media and other interested parties on the conclusion submitted to the Government of Armenia on the implementation of decision v/9a of the…
Charges for supplying environmental information - such charges should include only other costs that do not arise from the establishment and maintenance of the registers, lists and facilities for…
Access to information - Two cumulative conditions must be fulfilled for disclosure of the external experts names who made certain comments on the draft of the guidance document for applicants who…