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Displaying 161 - 170 of 1856 resources
Foundation TERRA Mileniul III is an apolitical, non governmental and non profit organisation for environmental protection. TERRA Mileniul III is the regional coordinator of Climate Action Network…
This portal to the latest developments of the Commission, European Parliament and Council of the European Union includes a comprehensive guide to European environmental law, legislation in…
Described as a critical starterkit for NGOs, this document, prepared by Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) explores what the public can do when a company is polluting the environment…
This is the cool place to learn about the work of the EEA and Europe's environment. Agents can play games, attend missions, get quizzed and research information on select environmental themes.
This Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development report comprises an outline of the book, Zillman, D.N.; Lucas, A.R. and Pring, G. (2002) Human Rights in Natural Resource Development. Public…
Friends of the Earth Europe campaigns for sustainable and fair societies and for the protection of the environment, unites more than 30 national organisations with thousands of local groups and is…
The draft regulations will allow the public the right to request access a variety of environmental information held by public authorities on air, water and land, to flora and fauna, natural sites,…
Here you will find continuously updated information on the environment, including "What's New", News, Calendar of events, "Working together" (Consultations, Governance and…
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a European-based research and campaign group targeting the threats to democracy, equity, social justice and the environment posed by the economic and political…
Paper presented at the 7Th Biennial Conference on Communication and the Environment by Emanuele Santi and Lucia Grenna of the World Bank's Operational Communications for Sustainable Development…