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Displaying 21 - 30 of 1864 resources
In this website, you may participate in discussion with global and regional experts, learn about compelling current issues on public access to information and justice, explore the INECE library of…
The NGO “Milieukontakt Oost-Europa” provides a training manual, which gives NGOs on local and sub-national levels the tools to participate in decision-making processes concerning the environment.(…
In May 2003, the Ukrainian National Environmental NGO “MAMA-86” in partnership with Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future (Great Britain) with financial support of UK, launched the project “…
The EEB is involved in transparency and public participation processes since preparation and adoption of the Aarhus Convention. The EEB is also playing a co-ordinating role in the ongoing campaign of…
The Access Initiative (TAI) is a global coalition of public interest groups collaborating to promote national-level implementation of commitments to access to information, participation, and justice…
This website provides a module of public participation in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The module explains different social "levels" of public participation as well as different…
This is a speach of Aitkul Samakova, Minister of Environmental Protection, about implementation of the Aarhus Convention and priorities in Kazakhstan.
This is a brief summary about the workshop on elaboration of indicators for monitoring implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Kazakhstan.
The Kyrgyz Republic has no precise position concerning products of genetic engineering. Today Kyrgyzstan has no technical base for the identification of products containing GMOs. Reviews the opinions…