IW:LEARN's mission is to build an Internet-based "global knowledge community" to protect, restore and sustain the world's aquifers, great lakes and river basins, coastal zones,…
This international seminar, held in London, 4-9 July 2004, focused on law and social justice and explored ways in which lawyers can contribute to social inclusion and the realisation of human rights…
The Mediterranean Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ESCDE) is a federation of Mediterranean non-governmental organisations. MIO-ECSDE acts as a technical and political…
The Civic Trust is the United Kingdom umbrella body for over800 civic societies. Civic societies are voluntary organisations promoting high standards of planning, conservation and regeneration for…
This report includes key environmental indicators endorsed by OECD Environment Ministers in May 2001 for public information and communication by OECD. These indicators give a broad overview of…
The Earth Council is an international non-governmental organization created to promote and advance the implementation of the 1992 Earth Summit agreements. Three fundamental objectives have guided…
OmCED works for the prevention and resolution of conflicts pertaining to environment, natural resources and sustainable development with an international or a trans-boundary dimension. It was co-…
The Secretary-General’s Panel of Eminent Persons on Civil Society and UN Relationships had been mandated to make practical recommendations for the Secretary-General on how the UN’s relationship with…
The Bretton Woods Project works as a networker, information-provider, media informant and watchdog to scrutinise and influence the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The bimonthly…
The European Union Water Framework Directive opened an opportunity for active cooperation between EU member states, accession states and NGOs working for the protection of the Danube river basin.…