Resources Keyword 'SDG 12'
The online training school is organized by the MEPIELAN Centre in collaboration with UNEP/MAP and EPLO will cover the following four thematic sessions:The Barcelona Convention system for the…
The draft UNECE Policy Recommendation No. 49: 'Transparency at Scale' is currently open for public review. Recommendation 49 was born out of the increasing demand for policy action that ensures…
The EU's LIFE Programme offers funding opportunities to support environmental and climate actions. Life Calls for Proposals 2024, indicative budgets:Standard Action Projects (SAPs)Nature and…
This report aims to strengthen civil society groups and the public's awareness of the need for integrated data and monitoring of toxic pollution, its sources, and its impacts on human health and the…
The report examines legal frameworks in selected EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) to assess whether they ensure…
Current sustainability information reported by companies across the EU is frequently insufficient and incomparable. High-quality and reliable public reporting by companies will help create a culture…
The Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative highlights the urgent need to transition to a circular economy. The Initiative measures current states of circularity and by bringing together stakeholders…
UK Government published the Guidance on making environmental claims on goods and services. The purpose of the guidance is to help businesses understand and comply with their existing…
Key issue: Appeal against a federal decision of excluding organisations from certain authorisation processes; access to justice and access to information – a public authority cannot exclude…
As a part of the Digital Policy Agenda for the Environment, the resource provides information on what is a digital product passport, possible concepts and models and suitable product groups.