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SPAIN - Electronic procedure for the export of waste from Spain to third countries - EIT case study




The links to the procedures are the following ones:

Annex VII , for shipments of Waste subject to General information requirements

Annex IA: Notification document for transboundary movements/shipments of waste

Annex IB: Movement document for transboundary movements/shipments of waste (Anexo IB - Traslados transfronterizos) 


I. Description


Brief description: 

In order to fulfill the requirements in article 26.4 of Regulation nº1013/2006, of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 of June 2006, on shipments of waste, related to the Format of the communications, the MITECO has developed electronic procedures in its website for exports between Spain and third countries ( )

These procedures, operatives since March 2019, will help the notifier/exporter to apply for a shipment of waste using electronic formats with digital signature.

Until now, the exports procedures are the only one developed, but work is ongoing for the import procedures.

2. Type: Govermental ( MITECO)

3. Scope: International

4. Working language(s): Spanish and English

5. Target users: notifier of shipment of waste from Spain to third countries

6. Starting year: 2019

7. Budget and funding source

8. Contact:

Elena Bronchalo González

Waste shipment Department

Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD)


II. Implementation


9. Policy, legal and institutional context:

Article 26.4 of Regulation nº1013/2006, of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 of June 2006.

Article 12 of Law 22/2011, of waste and contaminated soils.

10. Partner organizations involved:

Customs and Excise Duties

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