The Information Commissioner's Office is a UK independent supervisory authority which oversees and enforces compliance with the UK Data Protection Act (1998) and Freedom of Information Act (2000).…
Some exemptions to public authority obligations to respond to information requests are subject to a public interest test (eg Aarhus Convention, Art. 4, paragraph 4). Such a test requires the decision…
The information provided here aims to help ensure that organisations processing personal and corporate data are doing so in line with the obligations contained in UK legislation such as the Data…
Publishers of environmental audit and simplified compliance guides, including toxic program commentaries for PRTR systems in Canada, Mexico and the United States.(Original source:…
The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 is intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability amongst public authorities by providing people with rights of access to the information held by…
This guidance by the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Counselor reviews privacy exemptions of the FOIA, the application of which require a balancing of the individual's right of privacy…
This draft chart provides information on the number and type of Open Source (OS) software policies and legislation considered bynational, regional or local governments around the world. It looks at…
This IDI website is dedicated to Open Source Software and is intended to encourage the spread and use of good practices in Europe. The site is support by the IDA (Interchange of Data Between…
Pesticides Action Network (PAN) Germany's programme of information transfer and dialogue is designed to strengthen the capacity of CEE NGOs to address pesticide issues and sustainable…
CEI Bílé Karpaty serves the White Carpathian region straddling the Czech and Slovak frontier. This model eco-counseling and information centre offers advice in environmental, nature conservation and…