Natural Allies provides a clear picture of how civil society works with UNEP and how civil society can interact directly with governments, whose decisions guide UNEP’s work. The book also explains…
LIFE+ has been designed to contribute to the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and communication of EU environment policy. LIFE+ should closely support the priorities of the 6th…
NGO Infocenter is a project aiming towards further strengthening of the civil sector and its influence on the Macedonian society, by inciting the cooperation between the NGO, the media and the state…
The Corruption Fighters' Tool Kit is a compendium of practical civil society anti-corruption experiences described in concrete terms and accessible language. It presents innovative anti-…
This guide through the institution Assembly of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia explains the procedures followed in enacting a law and ways of including the citizens in the process of…
This site aims to provide non-governmental organizations and all interested parties with a useful tool to exchange information in the field of human rights, including documentation related to human…
IUCLID is a software program for the administration of data on chemical substances. It is the main electronic tool for data submission, evaluation and exchange used in the OECD High Production…
The ECB maintains the database containing all the datasets submitted by chemical companies in the EU in the context of the EU Existing Substances Regulation. The ECB periodically forwards all data in…
This article reports that the Japanese AIST Research Center for Chemical Risk Management has developed a solution for water risk assessment using data on chemical emissions provided by the pollutant…
The Information Service of the UNECE issues press releases and holds press briefings on each Tuesday of the week, and publishes weekly and monthly bulletins on the activities of the UNECE and its…