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Resources Year '2007'

The Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) seeks to facilitate a process whereby key public decision-makers in South Eastern and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus are able to…
Chinese is the third most widely-spoken language in the United States, after English and Spanish. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has launched a new consolidated Chinese-language Web site as…
The European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) shares knowledge and experience on tackling urban issues. Fifteen EU Member States, EUROCITIES, the URBACT Programme and the European Commission…
The EU provides a wealth of funding opportunities—a budget of some 126.5 billion making it the world’s largest institutional donor. To enable nongovernmental organizations to take full advantage of…
Since its foundation the Council of Europe has developed working relations with non-governmental organisations which: (i) directly represent the general public, (ii) are relays for efficient mutual…
The agenda of the 2007 Council of Europe Forum for the Future of Democracy focuses on the possibility of, and the obstacles preventing, the involvement of civil society. How to encourage, and…
SisBIM is a basic tool for the support of the processes of municipal decision-making related to the management of territorial development in Columbia. SisBIM includes a common set of indicators, a…
The Sunlight Foundation promotes the goal of using the power of the Internet and new information technology to enable citizens to learn more about what their elected representatives are doing, and…
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 all UK public authorities, including NERC, must adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme stating: the types (classes) of information it publishes, or intends…
The Pan African Parliament (PAP) in collaboration with the Southern Africa Trust held thefirst Consultative Dialogue with African civil society organisations under the theme“Building Effective…