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Resources Keyword 'public awareness'

In 2018, the second edition of the Citizen's Guide to the Aarhus Convention “Beteiligungsrechte im Umweltschutz – Was bringt Ihnen die Aarhus-Konvention?” (in German) was published by the…
Main objectives: The EPA is committed to developing new means of communicating environmental information and key messages to as wide an audience as possible. To complement the State of the…
Main objectives: The main objective of these workshops was to inform cantonal representatives about recent developments concerning the right to access to information (e.g. recent cases of the Swiss…
Main objectives: The main objective of Ecoregister is to provide the public with easy, quick and user-friendly access to information about the environment and improve the general accessibility of…
Main objectives: Promotion of the Aarhus Convention at the national level, supporting the country in its effective implementation, establishment of higher standards of environmental protection.…
Main objectives: To address insufficient opportunities for public participation in decision-making on permits for the construction of two reactors at a nuclear power plant located in Mochovce,…
Main objectives: Implementation of the principles of the Convention across the country.   Implementation: Supply of information, public participation in decision-making, adoption of new laws,…
Main objectives: The Aarhus Convention is a unique legal tool, which promotes civil society formation, the creation of a culture of dialogue between civil society and government, as well as…
Main objectives: From 26 January to 25 March 2018, French citizens were invited to inform themselves and to express their views on the proposed vision for the four maritime regions surrounding the…
Main objectives: The aim of the project (June 2015 – November 2017) and its follow up (December 2017 – July 2018) was to foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge between civil society, academia…