Resources Keyword 'SDG Target 16.10'
The French experimentationAs provided by the Grenelle II law, in 2011-2012 France conducted a national experimentation on consumer product environmental information. The trial covered the…
This study explores the ways in which geospatial science and technology (GS&T) can support development.
With the amendment to the Environmental Information Act (EIA) 2004, Austria transposed Directive 2003/4/EC on Public Access to Environmental Information into national law at the federal level.The…
Sustainable household consumption can be an important engine for a greener economic growth. In France, the “Grenelle” environmental laws include the right for consumers to have information on the…
This report provides an overview of how open access, virtual science libraries, and geographic information systems (GIS) could be harnessed to address development challenges, especially in the area…
Entre 2000 et 2010, les méthodes d’évaluation environnementale appliquées aux produits agricoles, dont l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV), se sont développées. Dans cette même période, plusieurs études…
Resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council on the recommendation of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (E/2012/31 and Corr.1)2012/6. Economic and Social Council…
The web-page of Hrodna Aarhus Centre (Belarus) provides information about activities in Hrodna and Hrodna region (Belarus) related to Aarhus Convention. In Russian and English. The first regional…
The Court of Appeal allowed an action brought by environmental NGOs against the Ministry of Education and Science for its failure to provide environmental education at various educational levels and…
Effective remedies - Members of the public concerned must be able to ask the court to suspend a challenged permit during the review procedure.