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Resources 'Estonia'

The overall objective of the project “Aarhus-Strong” is to strengthen electronic participation practices of member state authorities within the EU. It must be ensured that the environmental…
The “Open Data Maturity in Europe Report 2018: New horizons for Open Data driven transformation” records the different speeds at which European countries are moving in their Open Data-driven…
Access to Justice for a Greener Europe aims to improve the implementation and enforcement of the European Union environmental law by providing the public with effective access to justice, such as…
The study aims to clarify some important background issues: (1) the constitutional nature of the spatial planning decisions; (2) the interrelationship between spatial planning, construction…
This study builds on preexisting studies by compiling and updating information on remedies available under Article 9(4) of the Aarhus Convention.The most extensive of these prior studies is the 2007…
This report represents a step towards meeting the goal of the Aarhus ConventionAccess to Justice Task Force to develop a set of good practices and analyses on threepriority issues:- The loser pays…
SEI Tallinn Centre`s agenda is driven by local, regional (Central Eastern Europe) and international interests in environmental research. It manages and links SEI know-how on the promotion of…
The Estonian Environment Information Centre (EEIC) aims to collect, process and generalise data on Estonian nature, state of environment and influencing factors provide reliable environmental…
The e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, founded for the creation and transfer of knowledge concerning e-governance, e-democracy and the development of civil…
The Project “Network of Independent Experts for Early Implementation and Compliance Monitoring of the Aarhus Convention” funded by the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment…