SEI Tallinn Centre`s agenda is driven by local, regional (Central Eastern Europe) and international interests in environmental research. It manages and links SEI know-how on the promotion of sustainable development, environmental protection, nature conservation, environment-related policy and energy conservation-related environmental studies with the relevant studies in the region. SEI-Tallinn has created working contacts with state and local authorities, the academic community, NGOs and the general public within Baltic States and other CEE countries. A significant part of its work concentrates on assisting the Estonian Government with sustainability issues and in drafting environmental legislation. The Centre's Policy & Institutions Programme is concerned with systematically analyzing and providing advice on how to modify policy, institutions, governance and assessment processes, including on strategic assessment and public participation.(Original source:
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Tallinn Centre
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SEI Tallinn CentreDate published:
10-02-2016Read full resource: