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Resources 'Article 1: Objective'

This paper is part of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' project, Ensuring the Right to Environmental Protection. This 2023 launched initiative examines pressing social and fundamental…
The online training school is organized by the MEPIELAN Centre in collaboration with UNEP/MAP and EPLO will cover the following four thematic sessions:The Barcelona Convention system for the…
MEPIELAN e-Bulletin is a digital academic and practitioner newsletter of the MEPIELAN Centre, launched in 2010. It features insight articles, reflective opinions, specially selected documents and…
Key issue: Denial of legal standing to appeal air quality plans. Key words: Legal standing, access to justice, air quality plans, particulate matter
Spanish Law 4/2021 on the recovery and protection of the Mar Menor recognised the rights of the Mar Menor lagoon ecosystem and its basin. The implementation of the new legal status allows for…
The Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative highlights the urgent need to transition to a circular economy. The Initiative measures current states of circularity and by bringing together stakeholders…
This new story by UNDP Liberia focuses on how ASM miners and communities impacted by mining near the Gola Forest National Park joined forces to establish the region's first participatory…
The application of management tools and approaches that embed human rights into the everyday practice of administrations helps local governments meet their human rights commitments. Academy and…
This event aims to generate a space for inter-regional multi-stakeholder dialogue on experiences that empower people to protect the planet in times of COVID-19. As a linchpin of sustainable and…
Key issue: the Brussels Court of First Instance collectively condemns the Belgian federal and regional governments for their negligent climate policy, because the Belgian climate policy is so…