Armenian Ecoportal
I. Description
1. Title: Armenian Ecoportal
2. Brief description: Emphasizing the public access to environmental information, as well as based on the RA obligations taken by a number of international documents, in 2020 a platform: “Ecoportal” website, was created for providing access to environmental information.
2023-2024 within the framework of the EU4Sevan project, the "Ecoportal" reprogramming was done and the Lake Sevan section was constructed on it.
Environmental indicators are important components of the "Ecoportal", the use of which is an essential tool for assessing the state of the environment, preparing environmental reports and environmental policies development. They show the main trends and help to describe the cause-and-effect of changing environmental conditions, develop priorities and monitor their implementation and the fulfillment of international obligations. 9 indicators (mainly covering the water sector) are developed and presented in the Ecoportal as of 2024, which are updated annually by the "Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" SNCO.
3. Link(s) to electronic information tool(s) (if available online) or the description: English language Video:
Main web address: https://ecoportal.am/en/page/home
4. Type (governmental, non-governmental, municipal, other): governmental
5. Scope (international, sub-regional, national, local): national
6. Working language(s): Armenian
7. Target users: Government/General public/NGOs/Academia/Business
8. Starting year: 2020
9. Policy, legal and institutional context: Legislation on environmental protection and awareness
10. Contact: (name, functional title, institution, email, phone number):
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia, “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center” SNCO
Charents 46, Yerevan, Armenia
Telephone: + (374) 10555502
Email: hmc[at]env.am
II. Implementation
11. Stakeholders involved, their expected benefits: Governmental and scientific organizations. Benefits are to share environmental information and promote decision making.
12. Partner organizations involved: Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan - EU4Sevan project team
(project is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and is implemented under a Multi-Partner Contribution Agreement by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It is part of the EU Action “EU4Energy Efficiency and Environment” and the BMZ-funded programme “Management of Natural Resources and Safeguarding of Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Rural Development in the South Caucasus” (ECOserve).
15. Technology choice: Access on the Internet via standard protocols. Data collection and visualization through APIs or uploaded MS Excel files.