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Resources 'Article 4: Access to Environmental Information'

This paper is part of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights' project, Ensuring the Right to Environmental Protection. This 2023 launched initiative examines pressing social and fundamental…
The published critical remarks reflect an expert opinion of NGOs lawyers dealing with environmental protection law that reviewed the 2021 national implementation report and provided critical comments…
The published critical remarks reflect an expert opinion of NGOs lawyers dealing with environmental protection law that reviewed the 2017 national implementation report and provided critical comments…
The 2024 Aarhus Centres meeting, held in Serbia (Belgrade) and online, focused on integrating youth and children’s perspectives into environmental decision-making. It was organised by the OSCE, UNECE…
Publication of environmental information by banks – a study commissioned by the European Parliament Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS)This study examines the proactive…
The online training school is organized by the MEPIELAN Centre in collaboration with UNEP/MAP and EPLO will cover the following four thematic sessions:The Barcelona Convention system for the…
Aarhus Convention Task Force on Access to Information / EIT Case StudyI. Description 1. Brief description: In the Nature Report 2023, INBO, together with policymakers and experts, examines…
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Access to Information Policy (AIP) detail the Bank’s commitments to promoting environmentally sound…
UNESCO, in collaboration with the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), created an open online course on access to information. The self-paced course introduces right-to-information legislation and its…