Resources Year '2012'
Indroducing GIS-based civic engagement apps that are "improving the performance and image of government by helping citizens actively participate in government on their terms". The apps are described…
Access to information - the conclusions of the state environmental expertiza of the Ukrainian Ministry of Environmental Protection and its territorial bodies should be published and made available…
This study explores the ways in which geospatial science and technology (GS&T) can support development.
This report provides an overview of how open access, virtual science libraries, and geographic information systems (GIS) could be harnessed to address development challenges, especially in the area…
Sustainable household consumption can be an important engine for a greener economic growth. In France, the “Grenelle” environmental laws include the right for consumers to have information on the…
Resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Council on the recommendation of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (E/2012/31 and Corr.1)2012/6. Economic and Social Council…
This document provides a fact sheet for selected environmental court cases from the European Court of Human Rights.
The report of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice established by by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe analyzes European judicial system data from 2004 to 2010 to…
The newly launched webpage of Environmental Law Research Center (ELRC) of Faculty of Law, Yerevan State University is a dynamic and open academic source sharing material. It provides comprehensive…
Synthesis report of the study on the Implementation of Articles 9.3 and 9.4 of the Aarhus Convention in Seventeen of the Member States of the European Union.The aim of the study is to analyze the…