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Resources Keyword 'environmental defenders'

As part of the Secretary-General's Call to Action for Human Rights, a practical Guidance Note on Environmental Human Rights Defenders (EHRDs) has been released urging the UN to provide increased…
The European Union and the United States have released joint guidance for online platforms, setting out 10 practical steps platforms can take globally to prevent, mitigate, and provide remedy for…
On 6 May 2022, in a landmark win for advocacy efforts combating SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation), anti-pesticide activist Karl Bär the Munich Environmental Institute (…
Special Rapporteur on #EnvironmentalDefenders @ForstMichel presented his vision for mandate to protect them under the @UNECE #AarhusConvention, in face of significant risks of…
The article analyses the scope of article 3 (8) the ECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention) prohibiting…
The initiative aims to protect journalists and human rights defenders in strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP). These are lawsuits lodged against such people to prevent them from…
A decision establishing a rapid response mechanism for the protection of environmental defenders was adopted by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public…
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is making a public call for inputs to solicit good practices related to the promotion and implementation of the environmental rule of law with a focus…
In September 2019, the Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics presented a report (A/HRC/42/41) to the UN Human Rights Council, with fifteen principles to better protect workers from the…
The updated version of the 2017 report prepared by the NGO Crude Accountability, FrackTracker Alliance and Ecoforum of NGOs of Kazakhstan covering cases of reprisals against environmental defenders…