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Resources Keyword 'Array'

Event for environmental and planning solicitors dedicated to the Aarhus Convention.
The consultation sets out proposals for how to improve the environmental cost protection rules.The consultation is aimed at those who may be involved in or affected by environmental legal challenges…
The SDSN is leading a Global Finance for Sustainable Development Group to provide recommendations for the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 2015. This process is…
This summer UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon established the Independent Expert Advisory Group (IAEG) to provide concrete recommendations on how to achieve a Data Revolution for sustainable…
The 'Energy – Transparency Centre of Knowledge' (E-TRACK) of the European Commission organizes an Open Seminar on public participation in radioactive waste management. The seminar will take place in…
On the occasion of the first session of the UNEA, A Global Symposium on Environmental Rule of Law gathered Chief Justices, Attorneys General, Judges, Chief prosecutors, Auditors General, leading…
Article written by Martin Hedemann-Robinson for the June 2014 volume of the European Energy and Environmental Law Review, pages 102-114.
In order to have standing in a case concerning a construction permit, the applicant has to how that the planned construction will have significant adverse effect on the environment.
Any restrain on public participation in the procedure of preparation and consideration of city plans are recognized as a breach of public interest in the practice of the Lithuanian Supreme Court and…
The ECHR held unanimously that the right to respect for private and family life (art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights) and the right for protection of property (art. 1 of Protocol No. 1…