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Resources 'Germany'

The seminar organized at the ERA Congress Center in Trier, Germany, will deal with recent developments in European environmental law, primarily by analyzing the European Court of Justice's…
Environmental Investigation (UfU) is offering this conference in Berlin to contribute to the discussion around the new German Environmental Code. One of the workshops is especially focusing on the…
This website aims to disseminate information about the right to know and raise awareness and use of the newly available tools. It explains in a transparent way which institutions are obliged to…
The Independent Institute for Environmental Investigations organized this workshop to draw initial conclusions on practical experiences with the new rights to access to environmental information in…
The website describes the concept, form and functions of this data catalog and provides a link to the catalog itself, which is meanwhile integrated into the PortalU structure. The catalog is a meta…
In this statement directed to the environmental committee auf the German Bundestag, the NGOs especially critizise two bills implementing the second and third pillar of the Aarhus Convention. In their…
This presentation gives a short overview of PortalU, the German environmental information portal. It contains information on the locations, players involved, main focus and type of the project, its…
This website informs about the "Environmental Information Act" (Umweltinformationsgesetz). It describes in a transparent way what environmental information are, who has access, where to get…
This section of the e-government Portal of the Federal Government is the gateway to the services and online information of the German Administration and other public agencies with regard to…
The legislative measure passed to implement the second pillar of the Aarhus Convention. In German.