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Resources 'France'

Environmental Accounting Methodologies (EAM) aim at a quantitative assessment of the environmental issues related to existing production, trade and consumption patterns. EAMs are currently explored…
The observatory is a system of databases with worldwide coverage in bioethics and other areas of applied ethics in science and technology such as environmental ethics, science ethics, and technology…
W3C has launched a forum for governments, citizens, researchers, and other stakeholders to investigate how best to use Web technology for good governance and citizen participation. eGovernment refers…
Négociée dans le cadre de la Commission Economique pour l’Europe des Nations Unies (CEE-NU), la convention relative à l’accès à l’information, la participation du public au processus décisionnel et l…
The aim of the OECD Risk Management Programme is to develop methodologies to support government and industry efforts to manage risks posed by chemicals, and, when appropriate, to harmonise risk…
Le Conseil d'Etat vient de rendre une décision limitant singulièrement le droit des citoyens à participer aux décisions environnementales. Ce rappel à la réalité réduit la Charte de l'…
At the instigation of the President of the French Republic, "Citizens of the Earth", a conference for global ecological governance, has been held in Paris on 2-3 February 2007 with more…
INERIS is a public research body under the supervision of the French Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. INERIS’s mission is to assess and prevent accidental and chronic risks to…
This website aims to answer to the most frequently asked questions about GMO. It also allows users to consult different themes, access French and international regulations, and learn about on-going…
The French register of industrial pollutant emissions and animal husbandry was launched on the Internet on April 4, 2005. Thanks to this Internet site, 14,000 data reports concerning 3,500…