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Resources 'Article 5: Collection and dissemination of Environmental Information'

This study explores the ways in which geospatial science and technology (GS&T) can support development.
This report sketches possible building blocks of an integrated information space in Europe, concentratingon information sources held by or destined to public authorities in the Member States.
Sustainable household consumption can be an important engine for a greener economic growth. In France, the “Grenelle” environmental laws include the right for consumers to have information on the…
This report provides an overview of how open access, virtual science libraries, and geographic information systems (GIS) could be harnessed to address development challenges, especially in the area…
With the amendment to the Environmental Information Act (EIA) 2004, Austria transposed Directive 2003/4/EC on Public Access to Environmental Information into national law at the federal level.The…
The event was dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Cartagena Protocol, and it had been supported by the Fund of the Central European Initiatives (CEI).The international conference was a great…
Regulation 4 "Proactive dissemination: routinely publishing environmental information" provides for a series of guidance, which goes into more detail than the Guide to the Environmental Information…
The Guidelines on OGDCE focuses on how to open government data and how this can be useful for citizen engagement by providing an easy-to-use reference guide that introduces policy guidelines and best…
The objective of the meeting organized by DMB UNDESA was to bring together policy-makers, experts, and practitioners on eparticipation from around the world, with the purpose of enhancing their…
Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia and the Environmental Protection Agency of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of the Organization for…