Le projet autoroutier d'ASF sur l'échangeur de Bages entre A9 et A61 suscite des interrogations. Vinci Autroroutes prévoit en effet pour le premier semestre 2016 de démarrer un vaste chantier de…
Début 2014, le premier ministre chinois Li Keqiang a résolument déclaré la « guerre à la pollution ». Dès avril de la même année, la Loi sur la protection environnementale, adoptée en 1989, a été…
La directive SEVESO 3, établissant de nouvelles règles pour la prévention des accidents majeurs impliquant des substances, devient applicable ce 1er juin 2015.L’échéance de transposition est arrivée…
There was a campaign to clean up the bottom of Lake Issyk-Kul from household waste. It was reported in the press center in Bishkek.
Recently, a conference was held in Atyrau on oil spills on land and at seaAlmost all speakers of the greatest concern is the risk of spills in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea, the consequences…
The article presents the new Environmental Democracy Index (EDI) which tracks and scores 70 countries? performance in enacting national laws that promote transparency, accountability and citizen…
The author presents precedent cases and legislation of Sri Lanka, emphasizing the role of the judiciary in order to conserve the environment. Sri Lanka is not a party to the Aarhus Convention, yet…
The OSCE Center in Bishkek in co-operation with the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry held a roundtable discussion on The Aarhus Convention as an instrument of protection and…
Environmental NGO?s of Moldova, in partnership with the Federal Environmental Agency of Berlin, compiled an updated guidebook with recommendations for servants of the local and central public…
Vila d'Abadal announced that they will request in Brussels to expand, especially in the face of population near the facilities, the Euratom Directive 89/618 of forcing the inhabitants kept…