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Workshop displayed European and 'backyard' PRTR projects, electronic public registers and capacity building
'The Next Generation of Right to Know: Advancing the Agenda' conference examines the current state of RTK campaigns in America
Parliament urges provisions to ensure efficient and comprehensive public participation in GMO decision making
6th National Conference on Digital Government Research will convene on 15-18 May 2005, in Atlanta
Danube River Basin Stakeholder Conference to be held in Budapest, 28-29 June 2005The aim of the conference is to strengthen the input of all relevant stakeholder groups in view of a more active…
Public authorities must give reasons for refusing to share information within two-month time-limit
The Working Group on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) held its second meeting 13-15 April 2005 to further preparations for the entry into force of the PRTR Protocol to the Aarhus…
French register to be upgraded in 2005 and 2006 in line with the UNECE Protocol on PRTRs

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