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SPAIN - Application “Environmental Profile of Spain report” - EIT case study

Aarhus Convention 

Task Force on Access to Information / EIT Case Study

I. Description

1. Title: Application “Environmental Profile of Spain report”

2. Brief description: The Environmental Profile of Spain 2022 is an indicator based report prepared by the Cabinet of the Undersecretary of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. This report aims at offering an overview of the environmental situation in Spain, providing disaggregated information by autonomous communities and with references to the European Union. Since the 2012 edition, the publication is available for mobile devices.

3. Link(s) to electronic information tool(s) (if available online) or the description: 

Android OS (Google Play):

A qr code with a few black squares

Description automatically generated


iOS (App Store):

A qr code with black squares

Description automatically generated


4. Type (governmental, non-governmental, municipal, others): Governmental

5. Scope (international, sub-regional, national, local): National and regional

6. Working language(s): Spanish

7. Target users: General public

8. Starting year: 2012

9. Budget and funding source: MAGRAMA, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment)

10. Contact: (name, functional title, institution, email, phone number):

Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD)

Plaza San Juan de la Cruz, 10

28071 Madrid (España)


II. Implementation


11. Policy, legal and institutional context:

Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 28 January 2003 on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive 90/313/EEC (DOUE nº 41, de 14/02/2003).

Convention on access to information, public participation in decision‐making and access to justice in environmental matters – Declarations. Official Journal L 124 , 17/05/2005 P. 0004 - 0020

12. Partner organizations involved: Ministry and the Spanish EIONET Network of the European Environmental Agency

13. Stakeholders involved, their expected benefits: General public

14. User needs and methods of their assessment: Internet access

15. Technology choice: Internet / Data connection in mobile devices


III. Evaluation


16. Results: increased dissemination of the report

17. Efficiency gains: facilitates access to environmental information and reduce the time consuming in informing general public

18. Risks: None

19. Challenges encountered (please indicate resolved or not): Improve the information supplied and the presentation of the information

20. Lessons learned: The information provided by key messages facilitates the process of informing the general public and non-expert public

21. Conditions for successful replication: Updated and verified information is essential. Adequate software development is also needed.

22. Overall assessment of the tool: Highly positive

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