Resources Publisher
EPER is the European Pollutant Emission Register - the first European-wide register of industrial emissions into air and water. It gives you access to information on the annual emissions of 9376…
In the context of negotiations for EU accession, alignment of Romania's environmental standards to those of the EU is a key priority. The environment integration process is twofold, consisting…
The eCommunity project goal is to promote sustainable and democratic urban planning by using opportunities offered by modern information technologies and the Internet. The project seeks to promote…
North American Environmental Law and Policy Series, Volume 10, 2nd edition. At the time of publication North American countries were adopting or amending their environmental law to reflect…
The European Commission intends to adopt a proposal for a regulation concerning the establishment of a European pollutant release and transfer register (European PRTR). The European PRTR will be the… is a global portal to authoritative environmental information based on themes and regions. The site supports three regional portals (Europe, Latin America and Africa) and includes 79…
This study addresses transboundary environmental impact assessment and reviews issues under Article 10(7) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, including a comparative review…
WEED is a critical and independent voice in national and international north-south and ecology politics. WEED encourages social movements and non-governmental organizations to address the…
The website of the Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory contains information on the Aarhus Convention and the Lucca Declaration. In Italian.(Original source:…
The European Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, held in Budapest, Hungary, 23-25 June 2004, produced as key outcomes a Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe, a…