Resources Keyword
À la différence de l’environnement, l’internet n’est pas largement perçu par les autorités, les législateurs et les décideurs politiques comme un bien commun essentiel. Un rapport explicatif par APC…
According to the article 37 paragraph 5 of Georgian Constitution a person shall have the right to receive a complete, objective and timely information as to a state of his/her working and living…
Inaccessible technology interferes with an individual's ability to obtain and use information quickly and easily. In 1998, the United Staes Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act to require U.S…
The impact of information technology on science and public understanding has been immense. To educate the public about complex issues such as climate change, the Meteorological Office Hadley Centre (…
In 2007, a comprehensive reform of Article 6 of the Mexican Constitution was passed in the federal Congress and approved by a majority of state legislatures, signaling a major victory for the right…
Earth Overshoot Day (also known as Ecological Debt Day) is the day we, as a global community, begin living beyond the means of what the planet can regenerate in a calendar year, according to the…
The report to the European Commission provides an analysis of the potential of the Ecological Footprint and related assessment tools for use in the EU’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of…
The Eter Project (Electronic Standarization of Environmental Data) is the reference in Spain that harmonizes and facilitates the interoperability of environmental information between private…
The publication attempts to summarize the practice of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention. The publication was designed as a reference tool and comprises two parts. The first part is…
The mission of is to build a Community of Practice interested in developing, sharing and applying concrete solutions for Electronic Governance through research, development and community-…