Resources Keyword 'participation in decision-making'
Abolition of the Integrated Scheme to Improve Air Quality for the scheduled pollutants in the area of air control management based on the action of the public concerned, which claimed breach of its…
Good Practice: Successful initiative to build capacity in 'disproportionately affected communities' and defend their right to participate in environmental decision-making in the UK.
Main objectives: To address insufficient opportunities for public participation in decision-making on permits for the construction of two reactors at a nuclear power plant located in Mochovce,…
Main objectives: The main objective was to empower local residents with knowledge about the rights they have in relation to participation in decision making processes, and inform them about the…
Main objectives: Collecting information regarding a proposed large hydro power project on the Vjosa River | Sharing the information with affected local communities | Awareness raising and…
Access to environmental information and public participation in decision-making procedures for environmental NGOs.
Public participation and omissions by public authorities (Art. 6, 7, 8 and 9) – The obligation to create a National Council of the Environment for public participation according to Italian law is not…