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Resources Keyword 'Array'

Public Participation concerning Plans, Programmes and Policies Relating to theEnvironment – The simplification of planning legislation concerning so-called “deferreddevelopment zones of an industrial…
Standing for individuals (art. 2.5, 9.3) - Residents of a municipality are allowed to bring, on behalf of an inactive municipality, an action for cessation of building activities that harms the…
Human rights defenders are increasingly using computers and the Internet in their work. Although access to technology remains a challenge, electronic means of storing and communicating information…
This handbook summarizes the key European legal principles in the area of access to justice. It seeks to raise awareness and improve knowledge of relevant legal standards set by the European Union…
2 July 2016, a Bill on establishing a Whistle-blower's Centre has entered into force in the Netherlands. The law explicitly covers environmental whistleblowers, but is not limited to them. The…