Resources Keyword 'SDG Target 16.10'
The Austrian government has updated its working program, thereby defining and extending the previous one from 2013. The government’s overall aim is to strengthen growth and employment, support…
The Bertelsmann foundation has published a new study on Open Data: Open Data – Wertschöpfung im digitalen Zeitalter (Open Data – Value creation in the digital age). Illustrated with examples from…
Since its inception in 2002, the European Food safety Authority (EFSA) has produced risk assessments for more than 4,400 substances in over 1,650 Scientific Opinions, Statements and Conclusions…
A seminar on how to use the Aarhus Convention for the protection of space and nature was held in Pula, Croatia on 2nd and 3rd June 2016. Major European and Croatian experts on the Aarhus…
Encouraging employees to report wrongdoing ("or blow the whistle"), and protecting them when they do, is an important part of corruption prevention in both the public and private sectors. Employees…
The Maastricht Declaration recognizes transparency and access to information as being essential in building a sustainable future, and specifically encourages the use of Internet-based and social…
The World Bank is updating its policies protecting the poor and the environment in Bank- financed projects. In this regard it has launched the 3rd round of consultations on the proposed Environmental…
The French draft law Loi Numérique will be presented to the French Parliament on 19 January, after being co-created with citizens through an online public consultation. This is the first law in…
Definition of a "public authority" - undertakings, such as the water companies concerned, which provide public services relating to the environment are under the control of a body or person falling…
Access to product information - Interpretation of the obligation under the REACH Regulation to provide information on the presence of a substance of very high concern in an article. The main question…