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Resources 'European Union'

On 19 February 2004, the Rennes Administrative Tribunal refused to annul the decision of theprefect of Morbihan. The Morbihan decision would denied the association of inhabitants of theMorbihan coast…
Access to justice for NGOs - Environmental NGOs are entitled to bring an action in order to be awarded environmental damages, also in criminal proceedings when they represent environmental interests…
NGO standing (Art. 2 and 9) - The concept of ”environmental interest” should be interpreted in a wide sense according to Italian law, including the historical and artistic value of buildings.
NGO standing - The special protection of the environment given by art. 45 of the Spanish Constitution, and the broad and collective interests and protections on Spanish citizens require a wide scope…
Public Participation concerning Plans, Programmes and Policies Relating to theEnvironment – The simplification of planning legislation concerning so-called “deferreddevelopment zones of an industrial…
Standing for individuals (art. 2.5, 9.3) - Residents of a municipality are allowed to bring, on behalf of an inactive municipality, an action for cessation of building activities that harms the…
Public Participation concerning Plans, Programmes and Policies Relating to the Environment – The simplification of planning legislation concerning highways in the Walloon Region of Belgium is not…
The programme Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in South Eastern Europe (SECTOR) promotes the development of a vibrant and democratic environmental civil society within SEE…
The Institute for Electronic Participation, INePA, made a proposal to the Aarhus implementation report prepared by the Republic of Slovenia as regards the use of Internet technology in public…
AG Kokott opinion in C-524/09 Ville de Lyon contre Caisse des dépôts et consignationsThe Administrative Tribunal in Paris made a preliminary reference with respect to whether information related to…