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Resources 'Netherlands'

The programme of a conference organized at the Faculty of Law, University of Leuven, 29-30 August 2003, featured presentation on the three pillars of the convention and a special sessions on…
IAPAD acts as focal point for sharing information and technical progress on community-based mapping and Participatory GIS (PGIS). The website provides documentation on Participatory 3D Modelling (…
This comparative research report discusses the representativeness of NGO-Centres and their relationship to national governments and government offices in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia,…
Milieudefensie is a national organisation with a hundred local groups. Its national campaigns concentrate on issues related to the nature of the country, such as campaigns for the legal protection of…
2 July 2016, a Bill on establishing a Whistle-blower's Centre has entered into force in the Netherlands. The law explicitly covers environmental whistleblowers, but is not limited to them. The…