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Resources 'Lithuania'

The “Open Data Maturity in Europe Report 2018: New horizons for Open Data driven transformation” records the different speeds at which European countries are moving in their Open Data-driven…
The Aarhus Convention includes a broad scope right to actio negatoria of the public concerned. Even if it is not directly enshrined in every specific national legal act, it derives from the…
Any restrain on public participation in the procedure of preparation and consideration of city plans are recognized as a breach of public interest in the practice of the Lithuanian Supreme Court and…
Individuals cannot challenge the legality of Governmental decisions by a separate action for annulment in administrative court. However, individuals can challenge the legality of Government’s…
In order to have standing in a case concerning a construction permit, the applicant has to how that the planned construction will have significant adverse effect on the environment.
This report represents a step towards meeting the goal of the Aarhus ConventionAccess to Justice Task Force to develop a set of good practices and analyses on threepriority issues:- The loser pays…
This study builds on preexisting studies by compiling and updating information on remedies available under Article 9(4) of the Aarhus Convention.The most extensive of these prior studies is the 2007…
The Helsinki Commission works to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental co-operation between Denmark, Estonia, the European Community…
This comparative research report discusses the representativeness of NGO-Centres and their relationship to national governments and government offices in the Czech Republic, Croatia, Latvia,…