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Resources 'Austria'

The report examines legal frameworks in selected EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal) to assess whether they ensure…
The “Open Data Maturity in Europe Report 2018: New horizons for Open Data driven transformation” records the different speeds at which European countries are moving in their Open Data-driven…
Main objectives: The aim of the project (June 2015 – November 2017) and its follow up (December 2017 – July 2018) was to foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge between civil society, academia…
Access to Justice for a Greener Europe aims to improve the implementation and enforcement of the European Union environmental law by providing the public with effective access to justice, such as…
Standing – Those affected or likely to be affected by environmental damage must have access to justice to challenge such damage; this includes those with use rights that have been affected (such as…
Standing – Environmental NGOs must be able to challenge decisions made within the framework of water law permit procedures. Where participation as a party to the administrative procedure is required…
The report comprises an analysis on the impacts of open data in Social/Political and Economic spheres. By systematic literature review, combined with a study that looks at the publication and use of…
The Austrian government has updated its working program, thereby defining and extending the previous one from 2013. The government’s overall aim is to strengthen growth and employment, support…
Daten suchen Ideen, Ideen suchen DatenUnter diesem Motto laden wir Sie herzlich ein, Ihre innovativsten, nützlichsten und benutzerfreundlichsten Beiträge zu den Kategorien Ideen, Datensätze und…
This document contains a comparison of the metadata conventions for describing open data in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The text deals with the status quo of open data in the respective…