Resources 'Asia Pacific'
The event organized by the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank on Reconstruction and Developments and other partners provided an excellent opportunity for judges and representatives from…
The World Bank is updating its policies protecting the poor and the environment in Bank- financed projects. In this regard it has launched the 3rd round of consultations on the proposed Environmental…
The website provides an overview of FAO’s activities in agricultural biotechnologies, a synthesis of biotechnologies in the different sectors (agro-industry, crop, fisheries, forestry and livestock)…
In 1976, the Papua New Guinea (PNG) government entered a joint venture with the British Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) to develop an oil palm estate-smallholder project. It expanded the…
This website provides you with basic information on the PRTR system, such as overview of the PRTR system, information on PRTR substances, and relevant laws and regulations. Also most recent PRTR data…
This on-line database is the collection of the laws enacted by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee and administrative regulations by the State Council. Browse the full texts of…
the 8th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM8) held at Beijing in December 2006, one of the topics was cooperation among Japan, China and Korea on chemicals management. Three ministers…
Ad hoc Open Ended Working Group to review and assess measures to address the global issue of mercury
At its 25th session, the Governing Council agreed to elaborate a legally binding instrument on mercury, and asked UNEP to convene an intergovernmental negotiating committee with the mandate to…
The Mongolian Constitution provides its people with the right to a healthy and safeenvironment. Although the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Minerals Law includeprovisions to inform…
The Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID), an initiative approved by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2006, was launched by the UN Secretary-…