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Resources 'Article 7: Public Participation Concerning Plans, Programmes and Policies Relating to the Environment'

The online training school is organized by the MEPIELAN Centre in collaboration with UNEP/MAP and EPLO will cover the following four thematic sessions:The Barcelona Convention system for the…
The overall objective of the project “Aarhus-Strong” is to strengthen electronic participation practices of member state authorities within the EU. It must be ensured that the environmental…
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Access to Information Policy (AIP) detail the Bank’s commitments to promoting environmentally sound…
In 2015, the Ministry of the Environment made the PARTICIPA website available in recognition of the need to increase public involvement in decision-making in environmental matters. The aim of the…
The Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative highlights the urgent need to transition to a circular economy. The Initiative measures current states of circularity and by bringing together stakeholders…
URBiNAT in collaboration with the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy has just released a policy brief on Innovating with urban governance: municipal committees for inclusive,…
The application of management tools and approaches that embed human rights into the everyday practice of administrations helps local governments meet their human rights commitments. Academy and…
In September 2019, the Special Rapporteur on human rights and toxics presented a report (A/HRC/42/41) to the UN Human Rights Council, with fifteen principles to better protect workers from the…
Abolition of the Integrated Scheme to Improve Air Quality for the scheduled pollutants in the area of air control management based on the action of the public concerned, which claimed breach of its…
This SDG Primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approach for the UN system in supporting the 2030 Agenda. It is primarily meant to inform, in broad terms, the programmes and…