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Resources 'Article 5: Collection and dissemination of Environmental Information'

The Final Report of a study on the active dissemination of information in relation to the Birds Directive, 2009/147/EC, and the Habitats Directive, 92/43/EC focuses on 10 representative Member States…
The Secretariat of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) invites governments, agencies, and not-for-profit organisations from developing countries and…
Real time monitoring of public health during two periods of high air pollution in the UK showed that there were an estimated 3 500 extra healthcare visits for acute respiratory symptoms and…
The “Environment Switzerland 2015” report provides an overview of the current state and development of the environment in our country. It assesses the measures implemented by the federal authorities…
The lifetime environmental impacts of non-electrical consumer products, such as clothes, could be cut by over 40% if consumers maintained them in a more environmentally friendly manner, new research…
This summer UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon established the Independent Expert Advisory Group (IAEG) to provide concrete recommendations on how to achieve a Data Revolution for sustainable…
On the occasion of the first session of the UNEA, A Global Symposium on Environmental Rule of Law gathered Chief Justices, Attorneys General, Judges, Chief prosecutors, Auditors General, leading…
The Aarhus Convention Implementation Guide is therefore intended as a convenient non-legally binding and user-friendly reference tool to assist policymakers, legislators and public authorities in…
The AGRIBALYSE® programme consisted in elaborating a database of Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) of the main French agricultural products at the farm gate, according to a homogenous methodology.
“Cooperation Open Government Data Austria”, or short “Cooperation OGD Austria” was founded by the Federal Chancellery, the cities of Vienna, Linz, Salzburg and Graz on the 13th July 2011. Federal…